
for a circular

Materials Sourcing

  • We use Near-Sourcing

    for 99%

    of our steel and powder coat &
    European sourcing for our Locking Systems

  • All tier one components are sourced from ethical manufacturers with current


    and Modern Slavery Statements

  • Our soft plastic packaging incorporates

    50% recycled plastic

    and our supplier is a member of Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation

  • Our Products are made from


    BlueScope Sheet Steel & Rio Tinto Aluminium

  • BlueScope Sheet Steel has a minimum of


    Recycled content

  • Our Cardboard Packaging is


    Plantation FSC (c008345)

    Visy Plantation & 70% Recycled fibre content


  • 100%

    Designed & Made

    in Australia

  • 100%


  • Designed for


    with waste material minimised

  • 10 Year


  • 3rd Party


  • Exclusive Designs

    By First Nations Designer
    Lucy Simpson

  • Awarded

    Good Design Award

    for Product Design
    xLocker2 System

  • Bold lines and enduring style


    by Paul Morris

  • The modular locker system


    by PlanexDesign


  • Extensive lights-out production capacity using

    Automated Technologies

  • 23%

    Energy savings through

    1020 solar panels

    & LED lighting

  • Architectural excellence

    Award-winning Factory

  • 100 kW solar roof-top-system made up of

    1020 solar panels

  • Our transport & assembly contractors selected for

    Reliability & Environmentally

    conscious methods

  • Flexible manufacturing systems enable

    Flexible Lead Times

    and customisation

  • Recipient of

    3 Govt. Grants

    from Sustainability Victoria to improve energy efficiencies in the factory


  • Designed for


    Not Landfill

  • 0

    Zero VOC

    emissions from products

  • Our product stewardship policy supports

    100% return

    of product for repurposing beyond the
    10-year warranty period

  • Designed for

    Disassembly and Repair

    without special tools

  • Our Best performing products
    have Auditing/Testing/Certification

    AFRDI Blue Tick
    AFRDI Green Tick
    CSIRO Acoustic

  • Repair

    Replacement parts available in excess of

    10 years

    from delivery date for ongoing product use

  • QR Code

    on all furniture items for
    second-life details

  • Our products are


    by leading Australian Architects & Designers for Commercial, Education & Government Sectors

  • Approved Supplier to the
    Victorian Education Schools
    Procurement Panel 2024 – 2026



  • 98%

    Waste material

    Reused or Recycled

  • 100%


    Cardboard packaging and used polymer packaging is type sorted and sent to accredited recyclers

  • Scrap steel and aluminium



  • Waste powder coat powder

    Up to 66%

    Repurposed to make our own counter-weights from waste powder and scrap steel

  • Pilot Study completed into powder coat powder to make

    Green Ceramics™

    for the building industry

  • 200 Tonnes

    in GHG Reductions saved overall per year (solar, and efficient use of gas and materials)

  • Recipient of
    2 Federal Govt. Grants

    for management of waste powder coat material
    Co-funded with Industry partners R&D at Monash University and UNSW SMaRT Centre

Management Systems

  • Integrated Management Systems & Environmental Social Governance

  • ISO 9001:2015

    For Quality

  • ISO 14001:2015

    For Environmental

  • Member

    United Nations Global Compact

  • Signatory to Suppliers Declare


We acknowledge the impact our business has on the world and believe in leaving an eco-positive footprint. Environmental sustainability is a core value embedded in the conception, design, manufacture and longevity of our products. We work to achieve a circular model of design and manufacturing and constantly source new opportunities to create energy and material efficiencies, minimise waste and recycle, thereby diverting waste from landfill.


As a sustainable manufacturer, we invest in the future with Planex products contributing maximum points to Green Star ratings. Planex has maintained AFRDI Blue Tick product testing and Good Environmental Choice for a range of products since 2009. This commitment was extended to AFRDI Green Tick Platinum (AFRDI 150 Sustainability Standard) in 2018 and recognised as GBCA Green Star Level A. In committing to these values, Planex became the first Australian company to achieve Platinum level rating with our xLocker2 range of lockers and the Linea sliding door cabinet storage systems. Frequently Asked Questions.

Product Stewardship

Planex products are designed to last a lifetime. Planex wants to ensure our products remain within the circular economy and avoid contributing to landfill.

Our products’ longevity is supported by thoughtful design and manufacturing methods using Australian steel, long-lasting components, and minimal bonding for simple disassembly. When the time is reached for parting with our products, our Stewardship Policy guides our practices and supports the return of products for recycling. Our built-out obsolescence test is applied to every product to ensure longevity. The test provides decades of functionality and is the opposite of inbuilt obsolescence, which has product failure purposely built in to promote the manufacture of brand-new products.

Our goal is to provide opportunities to reuse, repurpose/reconfigure as the priorities; recycling is a last resort. Planex works with Egans Asset Management’s WISE program to salvage our items in an environmentally friendly way. Egans can be contacted to arrange an assessment of the items to be salvaged. This is done on a case-by-case basis, to identify the appropriate action required with a priority to resell and reuse the items. Repair to resell is also possible. Egans will provide the customer with a report outlining the environmental benefits attained through the reuse repurpose or recycling of the furniture. Please contact Planex for more information.

Fundamental Research

We lead the way in sustainable manufacturing, partnering with government bodies universities and industry partners to solve global challenges.

Our collaborative R&D has addressed the issue of recycling waste powder. Each year, powder coating generates up to 1million tonnes of unrecoverable waste powder world-wide. The powder goes to landfill and potentially leaches into soil, waterways and oceans around the world. We have taken the lead in the powder coat industry, proving that this waste can be re-used by making in-house counterweights, incorporating our powder coat into Green Ceramics™ or recovering all its resources using pyrolysis


Near-sourcing is an integral foundation of our business and engage local supply chains where possible. All our steel (which comprises 94-99% of our product) is Australian made Bluescope steel. Our local manufacturing capabilities and networks with many local suppliers avert emissions from foreign transportation and support our passion for building a low carbon economy.

Planex’s commitment to recycling at end-of-life are integral to certification by GECA, AFRDI-Furntech Green Ticks, ISO14001.

Additionally, Planex is part of the United Nations Global Compact and commits to its Ten Principles of good corporate citizenship; in particular, for recycling and betterment of the environment. Planex has an anti-slavery policy in place across its supply chain.

Sustainability Report

Download sustainability report

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

Environment Social Governance (ESG)

We partner with leading suppliers and organisations to ensure each Planex product has integrity in form and function. We use third party certification so our customers have peace of mind when specifying or purchasing our products.

“Since 2021 Planex has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.”